人人小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市:我在幕后当首领 > 第55章 东南亚诸猴国

第55章 东南亚诸猴国(1 / 2)


“报告,刚刚接到消息,东南亚那边戒疤猴子国刚刚宣布灭国,侵占戒疤猴子国的蝠群继续南下,开始进攻其余猴子国。 rate the defense line constructed by the Dragon Kingdom.

This bat swarm will naturally not defeat the Dragon Kingdom, but we will take the opportunity to assist them and directly control the Dragon Kingdom. This blue star will belong to our Eagle Sauce mand. With Zhinao's technology, our Eagle Sauce flag is no longer limited to the moon, and this galaxy will eventually belong to our Eagle Sauce mand.

Before this, the Dragon Kingdom must be destroyed, and their warriors pose a great threat to our mecha. We must strangle them in the cradle while embracing the shame of the for those allies, my dear Minister, let you municate with the people of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and give them a response. How could our steps of Eagle Sauce be hindered by them."


“Yes,I see, Mr. President, you have great foresight and foresight. Under your leadership, Eagle Sauce will surely set sail."

"I 'm going to prepare now."

最新小说: 婚姻,心怀诡胎 弄潮 扯谎 无敌五皇子 穿越年代,做交通员的那些年 教皇请登基 仙帝重生:开局谋权称帝! 东宫妖妾 小师妹又拿第一了 重生七零:手握系统的我却在种田